assalamualaikum wbt.
Alhamdulillah, here comes another day for we to live in, to go on
with our prayers and seek for HIS forgiveness, until the Day of Judgment.
Just want to share, what had I encountered few days back.
Have u ever gone through a day, where you cried the most? There’s
many days in my life, that I’d cried hard actually.. I’d cried in frustration,
in hatred, and in many situations…
But last Saturday, was none like my days before… u know why? Have these
word strikes your mind??:
“how would I die, if I have failed to live?”
Only those 10 words, make my day, was like, there’s no tomorrow…
what had I done?
O Allah, please forgive me, please bless me in my days, my
death, and beyond…
I’ve read in a book, about taubah, it says, if someone really
wanted to repent, and do what he need to repent, Allah will make those who know
about his sins, the places, and everything related to his sins, to FORGET
HIM(the person who make the sins).
Will we, repent, with a true repent? Which means, do not repeat,
or go near to what had we done in those dark days? Would we be strong enough to
do that? Will we??
the answer is in your heart~
la tahzan... be strong, beloved sahabat!^^
Ustaz arif soleh prnh bri tafsir tntg satu hadis..lbeh krg mksdnya..
Allah akan terus menerus memberi kita kesenangan,kelalaian sehingga pada satu masa kita rasa da jauh sangat dengan Allah..dan Allah sendiri akan bawa kita balik pada rahmat ALlah..saat itu kita akan betul2 taubat..minta ampun pada Allah..sebab Allah suka pada rintihan hambanya..
saat Allah suka taubat kita..saat Allah buat keputusan nk turun hidayat pada kita..saat itu kita akan jadi lebih baik dr sebelmnya..sebab Hidayat Allah itu amatlah mahal..8-)
cik jenin: trima kasih sahabat!:) doaku untukmu smoga sntiasa tabah juge.<3
Allah, wlau ana pernah terbca hadis tu, namun saat kesusahan dan kelalaian, bagai habib saw tak pernah mengungkapkn hadis tu.. astaghfirullah...:'(
trima kasih krn masih setia mengingatkan.. moga Allah trus mmbri anta kemmpuan tuk trus meyampaikn keindahan islam sebenar..:)
Sabda Nabi: Sesungguhnya Allah menerima taubat seorang hamba selagi nyawa belum sampai ke halkumnya.
(HR al- Tirmizi, dinilai hasan oleh al-Albani).
Jangan biarkan syaitan berhasil menghasut kita berputus asa
pipitJalanan: insyaAllah.. sama2lh kita kembali menuju pada cintaNya
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